House Children and Youth Committee Voting Meeting
Voting meeting on Reorganization and any other business that may come before the committee.
Voting meeting on Reorganization and any other business that may come before the committee.
Jan. 26 to Feb. 1 is National School Choice Week, a time to advocate for the future leaders of our Commonwealth! Every student should have the opportunity to learn in an environment that empowers them to succeed. Kids with a solid education will go on to get great jobs. grow their families and plant roots here in Pennsylvania.
On Jan. 9, I had the opportunity to interview our state Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding! We had a great conversation about Pennsylvania agriculture and the products created from it. We also acknowledged the 100th anniversaries of Hanover Foods and Utz, as well as the role of technology and innovation in food manufacturing.
Does your child, grandchild or student have a question about state government, the 169th District or me? Learn more about how he or she can ask their questions!
House Republican are introducing a package of bills to address crime prevention, policing, prosecution and punishment. Pennsylvanians need to feel safe in their communities.
Reps. Kate Klunk, Tim O’Neal and Tom Jones give us a look at the 2024 Pennsylvania March for Life.
I chatted with some energetic kiddos about what they're looking forward to this school year at my Back-to-School Event and backpack distribution. These bright students are in for a great year of fun, learning, and growth!
On Aug. 13, I hosted a Back-to-School Event for students and families in the 169th District. We helped local kids in grades k-6 get ready for a successful academic year by providing free backpacks with important school supplies. We also had a certified car seat technician onsite to ensure children are riding safely in car seats that are properly installed. We're wishing everyone a safe and fun school year filled with lots of learning.
Each year on July 4, we celebrate our nation's independence from Great Britain. I joined fellow members of the America First Caucus of PA to highlight our priorities and wish you a happy and safe Independence Day.
In the House, I've teamed up with Rep. Christina Sappey (D-Chester) to make changes to the Commonwealth's dog law that would save dog owners time and money and better support our small, local kennels along the state border. In the Senate, Sens. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28) and Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) have been working on the same issue for PA pets. I am hopeful either the House or Senate bill will soon pass, so we can make boarding dogs near the state line better for dog and kennel owners alike.
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